
作者:李莉 刘月天(17工造)   来源:    时间:2020-02-11   点击数:     【字体:

本站消息 自新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情发生以来,海内外众多国际友人心牵防疫抗疫工作,以各种形式支持中国抗击疫情。2020年2月11日,以色列诺贝尔奖获得者、云南农业大学、云南省高原特色农业产业研究院、云南绿色食品国际合作研究中心的国际高级顾问达尼埃尔•谢赫特曼(Danielle Shechtman)教授通过视频向一同共事的学校老师表示问候和关心。视频中,达尼埃尔•谢赫特曼教授还表达了对中国抗击疫情的决心和举措的表示赞赏与钦佩,以及希望联合开展相关药物研发的意愿。




My dear colleges and friends in China:

This is Danielle Shechtman from Israel. I sent all of you my warmest empathy. In this trying times, my heart and soul are with you these days. I know from my communication and some of you and from the media about the mobility restrictions designated to stop the spread of novel coronavirus pneumonia and the many other measures China is taking to best control the current crisis. It will take some more time until this is all over.

We are all concerned about this spread of epidemic in China and in other countries, and the further measures taking by all levels of Chinese government to contain the epidemic. I admire the commitment, the measures taken to control the spread of the coronavirus, the life-saving work by physicians and medical teams, and the solidarity shown by the Chinese people in this epidemic situation. I’m sure that the measures taken will gradually stop the spread of the virus.

This breakout is an alarming call for a long-term prevention methods and solutions. Research should be very well-supported to develop vaccine and medications to prevent and effectively control virus-spreading and to heal the infected patients. Material scientists can also help by developing virus-killing mass materials and surface coating that will kill viruses.

I wish my many friends and colleges in China fast recovering from this situation. Please stay well and safe. See you all soon on happy occasions.

Your friend and college: Danielle Shechtman







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